Elder harvester committees

Elder Harvester Committees (EHCs) are bodies established by the Dehcho First Nations in Fort Simpson, Fort Province, Wrigley, and Jean-Marie River to provide knowledge and advice about Edéhzhíe to the Parties and the Edéhzhíe Management Board

The Elder Harvester Committees are key to the establishment of Edéhzhíe. EHCs are focused on recording stories for the Edéhzhíe protected area and mapping out existing trails, cabins, and desired future trails. The EHCs provide valuable information to the Edéhzhíe Management Board to help guide decision-making for management planning, harvesting protocols, and enforcement protocols in the protected area.

If you would like to get involved in an Elder Harvester Committee, please contact your local Edéhzhíe community coordinator!

Deh Gáh Got’ie (Fort Providence)

Trisha Landry

Edéhzhíe Deh Gáh Got’ie Coordinator
(867) 373 – 0662

Tthets’ek’ehdeli (Jean Marie River)

Arial Sanguez

Edéhzhíe Tthets’ek’ehdeli Coordinator
(867) 491 – 4145

Pehdzeh Ki (Wrigley)


Edéhzhíe Pehdzeh Ki Coordinator

Líídlįį Kue (Fort Simpson)


Edéhzhíe Łı́ı́dlı̨ı̨ Kų́ę̨́  Coordinator
(867) 695 – 2355